Best Python Weapon Guide: The First Descendant

The guide on the Python, one of the fastest-firing guns in The First Descendant. In this guide, we’ll explore the unique attributes of the Python, how to build it effectively, and compare it with the Thunder Cage. Buy TFD Ultimate Weapons Unlock Quick Unlock Python, use “harry” coupons to get 5% off!

The Python’s Unique Ability: Prey

The Python comes with a unique ability called Prey, which is especially useful for hitting weak points. While the Python doesn’t excel in critical chance or critical damage, it shines when built around weak point damage. As you hit weak points, the Python builds up resistance shred, including toxic resistance shred and non-attribute resistance shred. This makes it a versatile choice for various Descendants, such as Fra, Valby, and Glay.

Building the Python
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Given its attributes, the Python is best built to maximize weak point damage. Here’s a suggested build:

  1. Rifling Reinforcement & Action and Reaction: Increases base damage.
  2. Expand Weapon Charge: Enhances fire rate, crucial for maintaining consistent damage output.
  3. Firing Fiesta: A must-have due to the Python’s high ammo consumption.
  4. Accuracy Mods: Enhances reliability for hitting weak points, turning the Python into a precision weapon.
  5. Elemental Enhancement: Choose an element based on the enemies you expect to face (e.g., Electrical, Toxic).

For Descendants like Enzo and Valby, you can incorporate crit mods to leverage their abilities that enhance critical chance and damage.

Python vs. Thunder Cage

In a head-to-head comparison, the Python boasts a higher fire rate (923 vs. 666), making it excellent for builds focused on rapid-fire weak point damage. However, it has lower base damage, critical hit rate, and critical hit damage compared to the Thunder Cage. The Thunder Cage is more versatile due to its superior crit build potential, making it a more all-rounded choice for most scenarios.

Recommended Usage

  • Python: Best used for weak point targeting, particularly on Descendants that can leverage its high fire rate and resistance shred capabilities.
  • Thunder Cage: Preferable for builds centered around critical damage, making it a more versatile and generally better weapon overall.

Special Considerations

While the Python can technically spread a DOT (damage over time) effect, it spreads its inherent DOT rather than one applied by abilities or mods, making it less effective for DOT builds. It also does not scale well with critical hits, limiting its use as an elemental weapon.

Optimal Substats

For the Python, ideal substats include:

  • Weak Point Damage Percentage
  • Firearm Damage
  • Damage to Colossus
  • Toxic Damage or Rounds per Mag

Toxic damage is preferable due to the Python’s inherent toxic resistance shred capabilities.

While the Python is a powerful weapon for specific builds and scenarios, particularly when focused on weak point damage, the Thunder Cage generally offers better versatility and potential for critical builds. If you are looking for a weapon that can transition well between different Descendants and builds, the Thunder Cage may be the better investment. However, for those focused on maximizing weak point damage or leveraging high fire rates, the Python is an excellent choice.