Throne and Liberty: Weapon Combos and Playstyles Guide

In Throne and Liberty, there are no traditional classes. Instead, the game revolves around a dual-weapon system, allowing you to create versatile playstyles. This guide breaks down the most popular tank, support, and DPS builds, highlighting their pros and cons to help you choose the right playstyle. Buy TL Lucent to increase your character’s power, Visit U4GM and use coupon code “harry” to get 5% off!

Tank Playstyles

  1. Traditional Tank (Sword & Shield + Greatsword)
    A durable build that lets you soak damage and protect your team.
  • Pros: High durability, crowd control, solid AoE and single-target damage.
  • Cons: Less flashy, heavily reliant on gear.

  1. Bruiser Tank (Sword & Shield + Greatsword)
    A more offensive version of the traditional tank, trading defense for damage.
  • Pros: Strong damage, good for smaller skirmishes.
  • Cons: Loses some party support, still gear-dependent.

  1. Paladin (Sword & Shield + Wand & Tome)
    Combines tankiness with support abilities, great for large-scale PvP.
  • Pros: Strong sustain, healing, and crowd control.
  • Cons: Low damage, lacks mobility.

  1. Evasion Tank (Sword & Shield + Dagger)
    Relies on evasion and fast strikes, ideal for players who prefer agility.
  • Pros: High evasion and quick combat.
  • Cons: Vulnerable to high accuracy attacks.

  1. Ranger Tank (Sword & Shield + Bow)
    A unique build mixing durability with bow utility, focusing on controlling the battlefield.
  • Pros: Durable with strong CC and self-healing.
  • Cons: Weak in PvE, lacks mobility.

Support Playstyles

  1. Priest (Wand & Tome + Bow)
    A powerful healer build that offers crucial support for your team.
  • Pros: Best healing abilities, essential for group content.
  • Cons: Low damage, often targeted in PvP.

  1. Healing Mage (Wand & Tome + Staff)
    A hybrid support with decent healing and crowd control.
  • Pros: Versatile with good sustain and battlefield control.
  • Cons: Master of none, low mobility.

  1. Sleep Bomber (Wand & Tome + Dagger)
    Focuses on crowd control and damage over time (DoT) abilities for large-scale PvP.
  • Pros: Devastating CC for PvP.
  • Cons: Low damage, dependent on team.

DPS Playstyles

  1. Hunter (Bow + Dagger)
    A sniper-style DPS that excels at long-range combat and stealth tactics.
  • Pros: High survivability, good mobility.
  • Cons: Weak in high-end PvE content.

  1. Archer (Bow + Crossbow)
    A mid-range build with rapid fire and consistent damage output.
  • Pros: Pure ranged combat, strong support.
  • Cons: No mobility, vulnerable when caught.

  1. Assassin (Greatsword + Dagger)
    A high-damage melee build focusing on burst DPS and high mobility.
  • Pros: Durable with strong single-target damage.
  • Cons: Cooldown dependent, risky due to melee range.

  1. Artillery Mage (Staff + Bow)
    A long-range magic build, excelling at AoE damage, perfect for large-scale PvP or PvE.
  • Pros: Highest AoE damage in the game.
  • Cons: Weak in small skirmishes, lacks mobility.

Throne and Liberty’s dual-weapon system offers endless options for crafting your own playstyle. Whether you enjoy tanking, supporting, or dealing damage, there’s a build suited to your preferences. Test out various combinations to find the one that fits you best!